

Because ideas are the currency of life

Write 10 ideas per day

You are training your mind to be creative

Brain exercises

If you don't train your brain for a month or two, your idea muscle can lead to atrophy. In simple words, your brain will make you ask these questions instead of coming up with ideas on its own.


“I’ve learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy and time to it, and more consistency, you get a better result. It comes from the work.” — Louis C. K.

Combine ideas

Mixing two ideas into a super powerful idea.

Quantity is important

Let’s say you come up with ten ideas a day. In a year you will have come up with 3.650 ideas. It’s unlikely that you came up with 3.650 good ideas (in the beginning your ratio of bad ideas to good is around 1000:1).

Have fun

The key is to have fun with it.